Polisïau/ Policies

1.0 Yswiriant/Insurance 

Public Liability Certificate to 31 05 24

Public Liability Certificate to 31/05/25

2.0 Strategaeth /Strategic Document 

Mae’r ddogfen isod wedi ei chymeradwyo gan y Cyngor. Clicwch ar y clawr i weld fersiwn ffliplyfr o’r ddogfen, neu ddilyn y ddolen i weld fersiwn PDF ohoni. Mae croeso i chi ddanfon sylwadau ar gynnwys y ddogfen at y Cyngor trwy gysylltu â’r Clerc.  

The Strategic Plan has been approved by the Council. Please click on the cover above to view the flip-book version, or follow the link to view as a PDF. The Council would welcome any observations or comments you may have on the plan by contacting the Clerk.

Strategaeth CCG Strategy 2021-22

3.0 Blaenoriaethau/ Cynllun Blynyddol/ Annual Plan and Priorities  

2024 25 Annual Plan and Priorities

2023 24 Annual Plan and Priorities

2022 23 Annual Report Plan and Priorities EOY Update

2022 23 Annual Plan and Priorities

3.0 Cynllun Hyfforddiant /Training Plan 

Gorslas CC Training Plan 2022 to 2027

4.0 Polisiau/Policies. 

2022 Bio Diversity Report 14 11 22

Procurement Policy

Environment Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Procurement Policy

Publication and Freedom of Information Scheme

Risk Assessment Policy

Publication of Information

Gorslas Community Council Standing Orders

Financial Regulations Gorslas Community Council.