Cyllid/ Finance

  1. Grantiau Cymunedol.

1. Community Grant Scheme.

  • The Council has a budget to award small donations to organisations and charities whose work brings a benefit to the area and or residents.
  • To make an application click on the following link.
  • Application Form Financial Assistance Final

2. Archwiliad Ariannol – Gwybodaeth Cyffredinol

    • Pob blwyddyn mae yn ofynnol i’r Cyngor chwblwhau Ffurflen Blynyddol sy’n darparu manylion ariannol a hefyd y ffordd mae y Cyngor yn cael ei lywodraethu am y flwyddyn arianniannol perthnasaol.
    • Mae y ffurflen a’r datgainidau yn cael ei archwilio gan Archwiliwr Annibynnol ac yn dilyn hynny gan swyddfa Archwilio Cymru.
    • Darperir isod,er gwybodaeth, gopiiau o Ffurflenni Blynyddol perthnasol

2.Audit Arrangements- General Information.

  • There is a requirement for the  Council to prepares an Annual Return which provides details both financial and information on how the Council  is Governed for the relevant  financial year.
  • The Annual Return, and the statements made therein, are audited by an Independent Auditor and subsequently by Audit Wales.
  • Copies of the Annual Return for the relevant years are provided below.

Archwiliad 2023-24 

Mae hawl, am gyfnod penodedig,  gan etholwyr i edrych ar cyfrifon a dogfennau y Cyngor am y flwyddyn. Rhagor o fanylion ar tadalen Cyllid

Audit 2023-24. 

Electors have a right, for a stated period, to view the Council’s accounts and documentation for the financial year. See Finance Page for details.

Archwiliad 2023/24

2023 24 Archwiliad Hawliau Etholwyr 13 06 24

Gorslas Annual Return 2023 24

Audit 2023/24 

2023 24 Notice Audit Electors Rights 13 06 24

Gorslas Annual Return 2023 24

Archwiliad 2022/23

Audit 2022/23

Archwiliad 2021/22: Hawl Ethlowyr i Archwilio Y Ffurflen Flynyddol 

Audit 2021/22 – Electors Right to Inspect Annual Return.  

Ffurflen Blynyddol Blaenorol / Previous Years Annual Returns 

2021 22 Annual Return

2020 21 Annual Return

2019 20 Annual Return 

2019 20 Auditor General Report

2018 19 Annual Return 

3.0 Members Expenses/Treiliau Aelodau

2023 24 Members Expenses

2022 23 Members Expenses

2021 22 Members Expenses

2020 21 Members Expenses

2019 20 Members Expenses 

4.0 Asset Register

Gorslas Asset Register Values as at 31 03 24